EWM Implementation

An industrial service provider implemented a European distribution center to set up new internal logistic processes, including the purchase function to a European Logistic Services organization, and integration of the European Logistic Services Organization with the existing Country Sales Organizations.



  • Organizational and supply chain changes
  • Growing scope
  • Detailed material flows had to be define while warehouse construction


Key Challenges Included:

1. The organizational and supply chain changes were enabled by deploying the company SAP template including Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) functionality and by interfacing the template with the current system of the German sales organization;

2. Scope proved to be growing as connection the German sales organization with the corporate template required integration of the sales organisation within the central template. On top of that, stock of other countries was also transferred to the European distribution center;

3. During the implementation detailed material flows had to be defined while the warehouse was still built and team members were working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • The new supply chain organization ensured that materials from different Regional Centers in the country were moved towards the newly implemented distribution center, including transfer of ownership from the country’s legal entity to the European Legal Entity.
  • Master data was synchronized between the central system and the local system with procedures in place to ensure that both stayed in sync.



  • During the phased implementation the new supply chain organization was able to learn how the future process was supposed to work by going live with intermediate milestones step-by-step;
  • A pre-build template was used to implement the main process and an experienced system integrator was contracted to build pre-defined gaps.
  • In preparation of each Go-Live a day-in-a-life test was executed to understand the complete flow within the organization and the warehouse.
    During the test all warehouse related hardware, users and management was included.