A multinational corporation decided to sell its consumer products business unit to entirely focus on one product category.

During a Day 1 project, the to-be-sold business unit was carved out of the selling company, still supported by the legacy (IT) infrastructure.

After the business unit was sold to Private Equity (PE) a Day 2 project was executed to migrate the business unit to an entirely standalone company using new (IT) infrastructure.


The PE owner and the leadership team of the sold business unit decided on an extremely ambitious plan to migrate to a new, redesigned organization. This plan included some elements which made the Day 2 project even more high risk than any other M&A project.

The Day 2 project objective was not to ‘lift and shift’ its business operations but to have a greenfield implementation to become a digital-first, insights-led consumer product market leader.

The entire SAP suite was implemented as the company’s new technology platform. Deliberate choice was to become a launching customers for SAP’s latest technology, including Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) functionalities.

Exactly after one year of its acquisition by the PE owner, employees were downsized impacting the Day 2 project significantly.

Although 18 months may seem considerable time for a project, for setting up a new multi-billion organization wall-to-wall, ranging from a new corporate identity, different 3PL partners and new IT technology, these are aggressive timelines concluded by a hard TSA exit date without any delay.


  • One year after acquisition by the PE owner, two pilot regions went live and temporary measures applied to run in parallel. Within 6 months the remaining regions and business operations went live without major business impediments.
  • To understand consumer markets spread across 100 countries, the new company developed a business model and supporting
    technology built for the future. This carve-out was a one-time opportunity to transform from a product-centric to a customer- and consumer-centric business.
  • The project has been characterized as ‘the largest program of its kind – anywhere, in any industry’. The new company has full control over its technology infrastructure and saving costs by reducing the size of its redesigned IT team. Despite staff cuts and a high pressure project, employee engagement has increased by 50 percent.



  • Purple Square provided a team in key roles for this program. During the Day 1 project, our team managed a worldwide User Acceptance Test with more than 500 staff members executing 10.000+ test scripts. The team continued to manage the big bang GoLive and hypercare.
  • The Day 2 project was even more widely supported by a Purple Square team. From initial set up of a Project Management Office to design and manage all testing and prepare multiple cutovers. From business operations to IT infrastructure, project activities and business continuity were supported hands-on.